Lodge Loch Shin No 1352 History
In Lairg on March 3rd, 1926 a meeting was held to discuss the possibility of consecrating a Masonic Lodge in the village, it was mentioned at this meeting that the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland had visited the Drill hall in Lairg in 1924 and had thought it most suitable for holding Masonic Meetings.
On the March 31st, 1926, in order to get the petition to Grand Lodge submitted for approval it was sent to Lodge St Donan, Helmsdale and Lodge St Andrew, Golspie for their recommendation. A letter had also been received from the Territorial Forces Association regarding the let of the Drill Hall and the rent would be 2/6d per night payable quartley to the O C Lovett Scouts, Inverness, and that the Lodge be responsible for their share of heat and light.
At a meeting held on June 11th, 1926 the Brethren present paid 20/6d each, to fund the Charter and a set of regalia was to purchased at the cost of £82 1s 9d.
The Lodge was erected and consecrated on the 8th March, 1927. Present were 9 Grand Lodge members headed by Brother J Ingles, Substitute Grand Master Mason of Scotland and 81 Brethren from 16 different Lodges.
On the January 12th , 1938, a motion was passed to apply to Sir Edgar Horne, Lairg Estates, about a possible site for a Masonic Hall in Lairg. A letter was subsequently received from Lairg Estates informing the Lodge of the now vacant United Free Church, Main Street, Lairg.
On the 9th February it was decided to offer the sum of £20 8s 9d to the financial committee of the Church of Scotland, Lairg, for the purchase of the Vacant United Free Church, with a view to turning it into a Masonic Lodge.
There is apparently no mention in the minute books of the actual date the move took place, but it would appear to be pretty soon after the date of the offer as there is mention of the erection of a toilet in the 'new' Lodge.
In the 1970's the former Drill Hall was converted into a Community Centre rendering the Old Library buildings, Main Street, Lairg, vacant. At a subsequent meeting of Lodge Loch Shin, Brother Alexander Fleming, informed the Brethren of this and a motion was passed for the then Brother Secretary to enquire into the availability of this building which was under control of a trust.
At a meeting held on March 23rd 1976, the then RWM of Lodge St Devenic, Bonar Bridge, Brother Fraser Wilson, who was a trustee due to his position as Bank Manager, took the opportunity of explaining the situation regarding the application for use of the building by the Brethren of Lodge Loch Shin.
An agreement was eventually reached with Lairg Estates and the Trustees, whereby the building was leased to the Lodge and converted into a Masonic Hall. On the 30th April, 1977 a special meeting was held in the new Lodge room with a consecration a dedication ceremony carried out by the RWPGM of Sutherland, Brother A Ross PM, and his Deputation. At this meeting 61 Brethren from 10 different Lodges were present.